Advanced Technology

Making Tomball Dentistry Better

The major advancements in technology have revolutionized the variety of treatments we can provide for more thorough dentistry in Tomball. We have created an office that’s far beyond what you can imagine a typical dental office would look like. We take the time to research and master how to use all of the different dental tools and technology we’ve accumulated in our office over the years. If there’s something available that can make your visits with us more comfortable, more enjoyable then we’re all about learning more about it.

You don’t have to sit in the dental chair while we take old fashioned x-rays and photos. We have high-tech intraoral cameras, digital x-rays, panoramic x-rays, and a complete dental isolation system for more efficient, effective dental care. It’s all part of the honest, high-quality dental care you can expect from Northpointe Smiles. We don’t stop at anything to help our patients achieve optimal oral health.

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dentistry in Tomball

Digital intraoral X-rays

These x-rays rely on smaller bite plates so they won’t crowd your mouth and make you feel uncomfortable while we collect our valuable images. Digital x-rays are more environmentally friendly, requiring no chemicals or film. Both you and the dentist can see the results immediately.

Digital panoramic X-rays

If you want to get a clearer, overall picture of your whole mouth, then panoramic x-rays are for you. They are beneficial for patients who are good candidates for dental restorations, and panoramic x-rays also help us see how your wisdom teeth are positioned underneath your gums.

Medit Scanner

We utilize a Medit Scanner in our office, making the scanning experience for patients much more comfortable. The scanner allows Dr. Samineni to provide accurate and expert care. Schedule an appointment with Northpointe Smiles today!

Intraoral camera

One of the best ways to fully gauge how your oral health is progressing is through the use of an intraoral camera. Dr. Samineni will take photographs of your smile at your first visit, and then throughout the years take photos to watch the progression of your smile as it reaches a healthy state!

Dry shield for intraoral isolation

CariVu zero radiation cavity/caries detection system

DEXIS CariVu is a caries detection device that uses near-infrared transillumination technology to support the identification of carious lesions and cracks. Since transillumination can show lesions in the beginning stages, using CariVu during routine prophylaxis can aid the dental practitioner in identifying questionable areas early on and decide on a course of preventive care.

CariVu can be alternatively used as an adjunct to conventional radiographs, clinical examination, or intraoral photographs. This strategy involves initially identifying areas that require further evaluation and then using the CariVu to gain further diagnostic information. Areas that require further evaluation or consistent monitoring include incipient caries, margins of existing direct restorations, and fractured tooth structure.

As a non-ionizing diagnostic tool, CariVu is the perfect solution for pregnant women, children, cancer survivors, or anyone that would like to limit their X-ray exposure.

How is CariVu different than an X-ray?

Besides using no radiation, CariVu can enable clinicians to:

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